hand painted canoe paddle


Touche-à-tout depuis toujours, Ropes and Wood est né de mon besoin de transformer et de donner vie à des objets de la vie courante.

Dans cet esprit, et à partir de bois de grange ancestral, je me suis passionnée pour la création d'écriteaux de bois peint à la main pour moi-même; puis pour la famille et les amis. Au cours de l'année 2014, un de mes amis m’a fait une demande particulière : celui de créer un visuel unique pour des pagaies fabriquées par son grand-père. La réalisation de ce projet m’a conquise et depuis, la contemplation d’un paysage ou l’inspiration d’un décor me ramène à mon atelier. 

Ropes and Wood a maintenant plusieurs collections de pagaies ainsi que, des petits porte-clés en forme de rame.  Mon amour du "style nautique" ainsi que de la nature sont les fondements de mon inspiration.


Là où tout a commencé... Merci Francis ;)


decorative oar

Behind the Creations of Ropes & Wood is a true jack of all trades inspired by the ancestral barn wood and its many facets.

The artist, Annie Lajeunesse, first developed her art with the creation of hand-painted wooden signs. The opportunity to create a unique visual for paddles then came through a friend’s grandfather who had handcrafted some paddles before his passing. Since they had never been varnished he asked Annie if she could paint the name of the children and create a unique design on each one. It was at that moment that Annie was inspired to pursue this unique art. Further research then led her to discover that the hand-painted paddle is directly derived from our collective heritage. All of this led to the beginning of the adventure!

This passion for manual work is her true calling in life and the legacy of her artistic family. As a toddler, she would follow her grandfather, a woodworker, so she could learn all his tricks of the trade. Curious by nature, she continued her training in a self-taught way by drawing new knowledge through various training and techniques.

Annie Lajeunesse is definitely an artist with unique talent which stands out thanks to her hand painted paddles.

Where it all began...Thank you Frank ;)